The world is facing major challenges that affect not only the food security but also create irreversible negative impacts on the environment. There is a common agreement that more sustainable methods of production, processing and trade are required in overcoming these challenges. Organic agriculture is a sustainable management system that foresees the health and well functioning of the ecosystem and thus plays a societal role.
The Conference aims to gather all interested parties to discuss the role that organic agriculture plays for the society today and in the future.
- Management of natural resources
- Best practices in sustainable organic production
- Innovative methods in handling and processing
- Green marketing practices
- Consumer studies
- Balanced consumption patterns
- Agricultural policy
- Regulatory issues
- Animal and social welfare
And on other subjects within the scope of the overall conference theme.
The papers presented in the Conference will be published by International Society for Organic Farming Research ( ISOFAR ).
Abstract Submission Deadline
15 January 2016
Abstract Acceptance Notification
18 January, 2016
Full Paper Submission Deadline
19 October, 2015
Full Paper Acceptance Notification
20 February, 2016 ( After Conference )