International Conference on Viable Energy Trends
The carbon dioxide emissions from the conventional energy sources are known to be the main reason for the global warming which started changing the climates posing a serious threat to our planet. It has become crucial to find new ways of utilizing energy in order to minimize the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It is essential to explore and introduce innovative approaches leading to a sustainable way of living with viable energy solutions.
InVEnT-2016 is an International Conference aiming at establishing an interdisciplinary platform on all energy-related topics with contributions from researchers and industrialists from across the world. The conference covers mechanical, thermal, nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic, magnetic and electric energy forms and welcomes papers on topics such as energy conversion, storage, transmission, energy efficiency, exergy, exergoeconomics, sustainability, planning and management. Contributions in the area of clean energy sources such as solar, geothermal, wind, biomass, hydro and ocean energy are also welcomed.
Good quality papers will be selected for publication in reputable journals.
The main topics of the InVEnT 2016 cover, but are not limited to, the following:
- Energy Modelling
- Energy Efficiency
- Sustainable Energy
- Exergy and Sustainability
- Environmental Modelling
- Energy Conservation & Analysis
- Entropy & Exergy Analyses
- Entropy Generation Minimization
- Exergoeconomics and Thermoeconomics
- Hydrogen Generation and Technology
- Fuel Cells
- Thermochemical Water Splitting Cycles
- Fuels & Alternatives
- Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Wave, etc.)
- New and Clean Energy Technologies
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems
- Solar Cooling and Heating
- Combustion Technology
- Exergy Accounting & Analysis
- Thermal Systems and Applications
- Air-Conditioning Systems
- Desalination Technologies
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable and green Buildings
- Thermodynamics Optimization
- Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer
- Energy Management
- Energy Policy and Planning
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Combustion/Gasification
- Process engineering, Process Optimization and Bioengineering
- Sectorial Energy and Exergy utilization
- Waste Exergy Emissions
- Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas)
- Green transportation vehicles
- Multi-Generation Systems
- Intelligent Grid Systems
- Energy and Aluminum Industry
- Power Plant Operations
Due to many requests, the deadlines for abstract and paper submissions are extended. The new deadlines are given below:
Abstract Submission Deadline
1 December, 2015
Abstract Acceptance Notification
7 December, 2015
Full Paper Submission Deadline
11 January, 2016
Full Paper Acceptance Notification
20 January, 2016